This channel is for all Teeworlds/DDNet and related chat. Gameplay questions can be asked here as well rather than in #questions. Ingame screenshots and any other Teeworlds related media goes to #showroom.
Between 2018-09-20 00:00:00Z and 2018-09-21 00:00:00Z
@sinistrooo cara, raramente alguém vai te responder se tu falar em português aqui, mas sim, os servidores br têm caido bastante, no inicio eu acho que eram ataques DoS, agora eu já não tenho mais tanta certeza
You know #general is a english only chat right? But go on admins wont do shit anyway, and then they say u cant complain about them in public, ridiculous(edited)
Hey I have a few requests to make this discord even better:
add a rule for no complaining about anything unless your a ddnet staff, because ddnet doesn't give a shit about the community anyway. They only act when they would complain as a nonstaff member, but since they are in staff they can change what they want themselves. Also if you don't have enough permissions to do what you as a staff have planned make sure that thats also not an option in the future, since the chances are way too high that they wouldn't give a fuck about that either. I mean who cares about Helpers that request a botdetection if they can't make it themselves.
ddnets benefit: they wouldn't have to take part in any useless discussions, because in the end it's only ddnet that wins anyway, because they don't fix what's complained about even if they agree with the complainer (Also this is never the case, since ddnet wants to stand out like angels, that never make mistakes, so they just argue against the most reasonable things to change)
add a rule for no requesting things. Requesting new features is also very useless since ddnet has already planned their next 100 years fixing bugs that doesn't even help a single person or making their own features that they remove in the next update, because they realised themselves it's crap.
ddnet would benefit from this as they could instantly ban me from this discord, when this rule is applied.
only ban trolls and do not mute. This one might be quite helpful as the Teeworlds community in general is just filled with trolls. Trolls' only intention is to troll of course and they can never behave normally. I'm pretty sure this message right here is a troll since it does come from a troller, therefore the writer of this message only has the intention to trick fools that step into his trap. Mutes are very complicated and have only a weak function since muted people can still read what others have to say. Also everyone deserves a permaban for the smallest of mistakes as it is unforgivable.
ddnets benefit: no having to deal with any rulebreakers in near future.
make sure all participants act like ddnet's staff consits of only one person. ddnet does have over 30 staff members, but have big problems with their staff as they are always buisy and have no time for the game, even though a lot of them applied for a certain staff role in the community, where most of them even stated, that they will put in a lot of time to improve ddnet as whole.
ddnets benefit: ddnet wouldn't have to be ashamed of themselves that there are mods with less than 5 people but a better development of their mod.
admins should behave like being least responsible for everything. Now this is already the case, but just to make sure future admins are just like this i would like for this rule to exist.
ddnets admins benefit: the admins have to do nothing at all when theres a problem, that is specificially addressed to them. They should just keep acting like they don't even exist and they shouldn't respond to the community unless it is unavoidable, since the community is only a worthless piece of junk.
do not use common sense. This is one of the most important rules i want to be added. This is already happening, but theres a note in the rules, that contradics this, this needs to be changed.
ddnet benefit: they can legally trashtalk all they want.
@ZombieToad wait so there is a different that makes people think who is better toxic person or what... if yes than dc server has serious issues of banning people