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Between 2018-06-25 00:00:00Z and 2018-06-26 00:00:00Z
@here VOTE Should mappers be allowed to decide whether their map is team-forced or not, even if the map doesn't require it? (yes->f3, no->f4) Main arguments: Pro: The mapper's opinion is being respected and parts aren't cheatable by doing them with multiple tees, resulting in more competitiveness. Con: Players can't play with how many team-mates they want, resulting in some potentially being excluded from playing the map. For a long discussion about this, read #deleted-channel Result: 42 f3, 37 f4 (27.06. 23:26) (edited)
🔎 1
banhammer 3
sendhelp 10
f4 47
f3 60
Exported 1 message(s)