This channel is for all Teeworlds/DDNet and related chat. Gameplay questions can be asked here as well rather than in #questions. Ingame screenshots and any other Teeworlds related media goes to #showroom.
Between 2018-01-10 00:00:00Z and 2018-01-11 00:00:00Z
@ezy lol i play with normal ping in this server and now i have 200 lol my habitualy ping in this server is 45 XDD and lol its not 1830 its 1930 XD your try to rape me dont work
@ezy ofc where im from XD nope im from 2002 XDDD andd then ofc i dont care you failed anyway but why @deleted-role the ddnets staffs dont care of block server ? when its not ddosing we have a lot of player in !
@deen is there a possibility to update the blocker servers to be more modern like we did with fng? There's a person called slishtee/Ascension who could help you out
Wtf .. i donated for ddnet because i think it's the best what could happen to Teeworlds and we all could just be thankful and show that in form from money .. if you do it only for fame .. idk whats wrong but i don't pay for fame
Jao also said when ddnet needs the money u guys might do it. That makes ddnet sound like a super dope buissness company that is only focused on earning money. How much money do u earn?
@Learath2 i did play journey man 2 like 2 parts before finish i was now. i said i am 2 minutes afk. Avasus voted me for spectator and said: "f3 , before he will kill XDDD"