This channel is for all Teeworlds/DDNet and related chat. Gameplay questions can be asked here as well rather than in #questions. Ingame screenshots and any other Teeworlds related media goes to #showroom.
Between 2017-12-23 00:00:00Z and 2017-12-24 00:00:00Z
i just saw that rayb is finally online so i went to him and insulted him for that he never does anything as a tester, in hope that i annoy him just enough to do something. this is the result: Translation: "If i'm testing, then defenetly not your maps"...."but yes, i'm not going to test yours, they have no prority for me"....."they will come the last". can we PLEASE! have another tester who can put maps into ready?
i guess because if the offending message(s) are instantly removed and the user is banned before anyone sees then it is only up to the 1 mod that happens to see
When my dad saw I was stripping the insulation off thin tinned copper wire using my teeth he said that this was dangerous because parts of my teeth could break off. I can't believe this because it's
@timakro Why not just use a knife? Works fine. And washing hands after handling electronics anyway, lead in old stuff is nasty to have inside of your body
@deen That there is often lead in (tinned) wire convinced me to stop using my teeth. Teeth are especially practical though because it's fast and works with every cable diameter. I will buy a cable stripper for the appropriate sizes, it's taking me too long to do it with a knife.
but i looked at the graph he made and could easily figure it out without explanation ofc
[2:48 PM] nobody-mb: no it was measuring out of any 10 consecutive inputs of the few surrounding each shot, the maximum number of them had the mouse position <20 units away from a tee's center (tees are 32 wide), <10, <5, nd <2