Development discussion. Logged to Connected with DDNet's IRC channel, Matrix room and GitHub repositories — IRC: #ddnet on Quakenet | Matrix: GitHub:
Between 2017-07-31 00:00:00Z and 2017-08-01 00:00:00Z
80fac31 fixed memory leak in console - H-M-H
d3714f7 close workerthreads on shutdown - H-M-H
7b3aba8 fixed memoryleak in CCollision - H-M-H
7486ee8 also Unload Sound - H-M-H
7f7fa06 free the Client created by CreateClient - H-M-H
<Socialdarwinist> Are you willing to implement Complex Text Rendering then too? That is more important, so localizations and chats in Thai, Hindi etc. are possible. For nobody needs Emoji, but you can’t say “Noboy needs Thai or Hindi”.
<heinrich5991> there are definitely people who want to have emoji
<heinrich5991> just as there are people who want Thai or Hindi
<Socialdarwinist> The emoji is stuff is only invented by Unicode to promote their actual script encoding. Offering scripts is paramount – what people want is like always the product of delusion.
<heinrich5991> emoji stuff was added because it was contained in some japanese encoding
<Socialdarwinist> That would be too trifling a reason for such a marketing campaign that surrounds the emoji issue.
<heinrich5991> marketing campaign? from unicode? I doubt it
<Socialdarwinist> Look at the press coverage: Emojis are what journalists can catch about encoding. It has been crucial for the public portrayal of the Unicode work, because journalists in the Western world are generally college dropouts and pseudointellectual punks who can get nary an idea about context-sensitive shaping or the problems of bidirectional text, and even if they can, do not have the dexterity to express it because of their
<Socialdarwinist> addiction of breaking all down to 140 characters, and because it is easier to appease advertising clients which such rather than the General Punctuation block.
Surely, a Zionist plot to mock the prohibition of pictures in Islam, making people support icons before they support Arabic writing. That is at least the story I could sell Press TV. Because they’re journalists.
<Ryozuki> @heinrich5991, oh now that you are here, i can with cmake but i get an error when executing the server/client, here is a diff between bam and cmake (bam works) , this is the error "could not find entry point of the process "_ZNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringlcSt11char_traitslcESalcEE9_M_createERjj"