in #voice-text (edited)< FredBoat Music Commands >
;;play <url>
#Plays music from the given URL. See supported sources below.
#Displays a list of the current songs in the playlist.
#Displays the currently playing song.
;;skip [n]
#Skip the current song or the n''th song in the queue. Please use in moderation.
#Stop the player and clear the playlist. Reserved for moderators.
#Pause the player.
#Unpause the player.
#Makes the bot join your current voice channel.
#Makes the bot leave the current voice channel.
#Toggles repeat mode for the current song.
#Toggles shuffle mode for the current queue.
;;rew [[hh:]mm:]ss
#Rewinds the track.
;;fwd [[hh:]mm:]ss
#Forwards the track.
;;seek [[hh:]mm:]ss
#Sets the position of the track.
#Export the current queue to a hastebin link, can be later used as a playlist for ;;play.
#Posts a special embed for gensokyoradio.net.